Trimaran half day sailing from Split



Our sunset sailing trip from Split is perfect for those who want to spend time on the calm waves of the sea in the evening while enjoying nothing but the sounds of the peaceful nature and the Adriatic sea.


Sunset sailing from Split includes: – 1.5 hour sailing trip to the island of Šolta – (Rogač or Stomorska the island of Šolta) – 2 hours of free time for swimming and sunbathing – 1.5 hour sailing trip back to Split – price includes: trip, skipper, water, snacks and guide

  • Duration: Every day
  • Weekly schedule: 16:00-21:00
  • Experiences: max 8 min 5 persons
  • Price Includes: 10 – 45+
  • Start: Split
  • Ending: Split

The sunset sailing trip starts from Split every day at 5:00 PM and lasts till 09:00 PM, offering you a 4-hour adventure in which you can explore the beautiful island of Šolta or island of Brač. The island of Šolta has a rich historical heritage whereby it was inhabited since prehistoric times. The sailing trip from Split to Šolta takes 1.5 hours where you can spend 2 hours of free time for swimming and sunbathing or just to enjoy the peacefulness of the surroundings. Enjoy your time swimming, sunbathing or diving in the crystal clear sea surrounding the island and explore the beautiful eco-system of Šolta. Of course, you will enjoy a breathtaking sunset where sounds of the waves and seagulls are the only thing you will hear.
The homeward sail takes also 1.5 hour arriving in Split at 09:00 PM leaving you enough time for your evening’s activity in the city.

Island Šolta
The island of Šolta, Stomorska town.
Milna, fisherman village
The island of Brac


  • transport
  • skipper
  • safety gear
  • insurance
  • water


Beside camera here are few items you may need to make your time on the excursion the best of all:

  • Bathing suites
  • towel
  • sunglasses
  • suncream
  • wind jacket for a boat ride
  • hat
  • additional close for change

Book now!

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